Whitaker Properties Inc.

Property Rentals in Bellows Falls, VT

Apartment Properties

Scroll down to learn more about our apartments in Bellows Falls, VT.

1 Oak Street, Bellows Falls, VT

Oak Street is a one way connector between Atkinson and Green Street, one of Bellows Falls nicest residential neighborhood streets with its tree-lined streetscape and wide sidewalks.

3 Oak Street, Bellows Falls, VT

6-unit building with 2 apartments on each of three floors

9 Myrtle Street, Bellows Falls, VT

5 Myrtle Street, Bellows Falls, VT

5 Myrtle Street is a 3 unit apartment located on a one way residential street one block off of Atkinson Street, Bellows Falls’ main residential street.

146 Westminster Street, Bellows Falls, VT

34 Williams Street, Bellows Falls, VT

Nestled among a row of houses on small neighborhood lots, 34 Williams Street is a two unit residential home with 2-bedroom residential unit on each floor. A one way street connecting Rockingham and Atkinson Streets, Williams Street is a main connection between the village downtown and the residential neighborhoods of Bellows Falls.

11 Hadley Street, Bellows Falls, VT